I want a bigger life. Not more or better stuff or more money, but more passion for living and more living my passions. Thing is, I don't have a clear picture of what those passions are, only vague notions. So, a couple years ago I get this crazy idea that the way to have a bigger life is to make it smaller. The theory being if I strip down the physical clutter, room will be made to sort through the mental and then spiritual clutter until my true passions reveal themselves.
I'm not sure what this blog will be. I've heard that writing a blog is helpful when trying to lose weight so why not use one to lose all kinds of excess stuff? So, this may also be a place to think out loud about what's important, what to keep and what to let go. Mostly, I hope the blog will be a way to keep myself on track, eyes on the prize so there will be a little less thinking about what I want to do and a lot more doing it.
We shall see what happens!