C is for cow culvert. Our new home is the farmhouse and some of the land Darling Man's grandfather farmed back in the day. He farmed and had cows. At that time the land across the road, now a pine forest, was pasture for the cows. The barn was on this side of the road part of the land we have now. To get to the pasture the cows used a tunnel built under the road.
I think this is so cool and can imagine Darling Man and his sisters sitting there as children watching the cows cross under and emerging on the other side.
C is also for the creek that borders one side of the property. It's not particularly pretty at the moment.
The last C is for the chimes hanging on the front porch. One of the joys of living in the country is sitting on the porch watching and listening. We lived in a townhouse in Maryland before moving here and I hesitated to hang the noisy chimes there, not wanting to disturb neighbors. Only the chimes in the middle are loud so I like to sit and listen hard to hear the quieter ones.
So far this A to Z challenge is kind of fun. Of course, it's only the third post and the tricky letters are yet to come. Things around the farm and living in a new place seems like it will work as a theme. Will reserve the right to go off on a tangent when my mind goes blank, as it is wont to do. That could be interesting, too. Or dead boring...