Something I noticed when I drove from Maryland to Mississippi was that as I got to the more rural areas in the south a Dollar General store would suddenly appear in the middle of nowhere. It seemed very random, but there were always cars. Now I see this as a smart strategy. The store is often on a divided highway between 2 towns so if you live, say, 20 miles from town you may well be able to go to a Dollar General that's closer than that to get a gallon of milk or whatever. Good for you not having to drive all the way to town for a couple things and good for Dollar General for being the only game that's closer.
Having the day get away from me (in a good way) is the downside of writing the posts for this challenge day to day without a real plan. Today I had a visit from friends who brought along their sweet dog. She's a boxer, almost as big as me, and once tried to get in my lap. I love her soft ears. I happened to have my camera in hand so today D is also for dog.
On the farm, D is for daylilies that grow along the fences. In some places they are out of control and I've been advised they need to be "divided" (which I will google to learn how to do). Some have already made their escape, marching in a lovely straight line right out of the gate into to the wild and woolly field.
So tomorrow is E. I have no ideas for a farm related topic yet. Will have to put on my thinking cap. Tune in to see what comes up.