R is for Radiant Recovery an online community founded by Kathleen DesMaisons author of the book Potatoes not Prozac. It is a plan for healing sugar addiction through nutrition. I first connected with the group 14 years ago and doing the 7 steps of the food plan along with participating in the community truly has helped me on my quest to answer those big questions mentioned yesterday in the Q post. You can check it out here: Radiant Recovery.
If you would like to see an interview with Kathleen DesMaisons you can sign up for this Reboot your Brain Health Summit. Kathleen's interview will be May 5th. You'll get to see lots of interesting interviews for free.
Around here, R is for roses. These are the old fashioned kind that smell good and survive neglect.
R is also for the Raccoon we are in a battle of wits with. Here it's stealing a can from the shed.
It also bangs around the garage trying to get in the garbage can. So far it hasn't defeated a bungee cord with a concrete block on top of it keeping the can closed. Plus we get some extra exercise.
The varmint hasn't fallen for the trap yet.