The one thing that didn't change when we moved from urban to rural is traffic noise. It's not as constant here and we haven't heard sirens but once. But we do have log trucks. Fast log trucks. We live in a hollow between 2 hills so they speed by in both directions, whoosh. The upside is the trucks aren't allowed to travel after dark. The first one rolls by between 4:30 & 5 in the morning. Some are empty, some have trees and some finished lumber.
L is also for lantana, which has been a mystery flower for me since last summer. I encountered them planted in huge pots near where I worked in Maryland. They are so cool with different color tiny petals arranged in circles. This is a picture of them that was on my phone.
Last week I was researching swallowtail butterflies and randomly clicking links for flowers they like. And there it was! The flower I liked so much. Now I have a name so I can get some to try to grow here.