Friday, April 5, 2019

C is for Congruence

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter
2017: C was for choosing consciousness as a way to deal with resistance and sabotage. This is ongoing as I still often need to CHOOSE to be conscious. Still doesn't come automatically.

I would say my C word for 2018 was cognitive dissonance, which is the feeling that comes when my beliefs, actions and knowledge don't match up. Exploring that evolved into this year's word: Congruence, the desire to reconcile how I walk in the world with my beliefs. Of course this means I need to know what I believe <smile> To that end I'm exploring some of my bigger conflicts to find a more congruent way to live.

As a side note, I believe my body manifests these conflicts physically, not necessarily a direct result but as an expression of poor lifestyle choices or genetic predisposition. So if I'm going to get "sick" the kind of "sick" I get will be a mirror of sorts of these internal conflicts. For example I don't think it's random that one thing that's manifested for me is double vision, lol. Want to hold 2 conflicting beliefs? Fine, see 2 of everything...

Wouldn't it be interesting if my vision resolves if I gain congruence?