Today is a reset. What happens is I get behind, and behind and then behind some more and then want to quit. Considering the topics here so far, this is resistance and sabotage in action, isn't it? So I get to decide if it will be a fail or a reset.

2017 D was for having a Dialogue with the resistance and sabotage sisters. Hmmm, I was going to say that was a one off and I didn't do the dialogue thing again. But now I think about it, I do dialogue with myself and the sisters very often when I'm trying to talk myself into or out of *whatever*. Mostly I tend to think nothing is a fail, it's all just lessons to learn. So for this A to Z thing I've talked myself into getting caught up in one post and start fresh tomorrow with renewed determination to get out a post a day.

2017 E was for my belief that overcoming my reluctance to Embrace life is my life lesson to learn.
2017 F was for my questioning what is Faith and do I have it and suspecting it would be helpful for the whole learning to embrace life thing.
Which is interesting since for the past few weeks I have been Deliberately Embracing the idea of Faith in "God" via a 40 day commitment to lessons from A Course in Miracles. I have a hard time with the god, jesus, christ language (reminds me too much of the religion of my youth) but some of the ideas are good. So far it's not changing how I think or feel about what I think about the higher power, source, energy I do believe in. And it has got me thinking more about whether I'm willing to embrace faith and if not, why not.
I don't know off hand what G was in 2017. I hope it's an easy one.