Two years ago, B was for Being Bad. I wrote about being on a path of self improvement yet never getting to where I wanted to be because of resistance to change and self sabotage (I called them sisters) and how self sabotage (being bad) kept me straddling the line between reaching full potential and staying in place.
I feel I've made progress. I've stopped striving to get to an unidentified "somewhere", reminding myself to be in the present moment. I have goals: to be healthy, to be of use, to become open to love.
Those of course break down into actionable things that I'm taking time to do this year in a more intentional way. But mostly I'm looking for balance between striving (that can become wheel-spinning and thus resistance) and not striving (that can become mindlessness and self sabotage)
What I have really learned is that how I treat my body...food, exercise, rest, self care...determines how and when the resistance and sabotage sisters show up and how much havoc they wreak. And if those aspects of caring for myself are in place I am able to find balance and congruence between my beliefs and actions.
Ah, congruence. That is my word for this year, but that will wait for the next post.