Saturday, November 19, 2011

Small Stuff: Thinning the Hoard

I'm having fun playing with the word "hoard".  When I say it I think of "herd" as in cattle.  It's a fun way to think about all the stuff in my house...a herd of stuff stampeding out of control.  

I don't really feel like a hoarder since I no longer bring stuff in...seems to me I've just been maintaining the herd.  But, ta da, the round up has begun.  I am thinning the herd.  There are no sacred cows here, everything is up for elimination.

Today I spent 15 minutes with the most awful area of the worst of the worst room, all rooms and areas having been inventoried and ranked.  Now that was an eye-opener!  I ended up with pages and pages listing all the areas of out of control stuff.  Which is of course, all the areas in the house.  So now the herd of stuff is just a list instead of some ephemeral overwhelming thing hanging over my head.

Here's a pic of the area in the laundry room that beat out the competition for title worst of worst.  I'm not sure it really is the worst...

This pic doesn't show the tiny area I worked on today so you'll have to take my word on it that there's less stuff than before.