As you can see, I've written not a word here since last year's Z. Therein lies the problem. I would like to be a person with a regular writing habit but my brain is not on board. Resistance is strong, willpower is not even a thing as far as I am concerned. I've had some success in the past with using small steps to instill a habit, so will use this A-to-Z Challenge to start a daily writing practice.
At least that's the plan.
So A is for taking Action. Taking a small step in the direction I want to go. A step small enough that my brain won't freak out. Stephen Guise in his book Mini Habits:Smaller Habits, Bigger Results refers to steps that "stupid small." I like that. Stupid small.
I thought about making my daily goal 50 words, but don't laugh, that seems like a lot. So I counted the words in the first paragraph above and it's more than 50. Not so bad but counting words feels like a chore. There's five sentences. I can do 5 sentences. Of course I can write as much as I want, but I only have to write 5 sentences to be successful. Go, me! I can do this.
Bonus word! A is for Addiction. Addiction to sugar to be exact. I've written about that here.
This is the Community Forum at the Radiant Recovery the website of Kathleen DesMaisons, author of Potatoes not Prozac, The Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program, Your Last Diet, and Little Sugar Addicts. These books changed my life. Doing the Radiant Recovery program saved it.