I am not a naturally kind person. I have to work at it. I'm cynical and sarcastic. It's not that I don't care. I've always cared but more often than not, I'm too inhibited to express it. I live in my head to much to the detriment of my heart.
It's been more than a decade since I made a decision to try to be kind after getting a job in customer service. At the time I'd been on a conscious path to heal my craziness for a while but didn't feel I had much to offer the world so I decided I could be kind. That would be my contribution to the world.
Maybe soon I'll be able to freely express how much I care.
Bonus Word! K is for Kindred at the Community forum at Radiant Recovery where K is always for Kathleen DesMaisons Ph.D. who is the world’s leading expert on sugar addiction. Before anyone else thought it was real, Kathleen was offering a solution that works. Read her story here