I is for Inhibitions of which I have many. I looked up the definition in my trusty Webster's: n. a mental or psychological process that restrains or suppresses an action, emotion, or thought.
Hmmm, that makes it sound like I have many mental or psychological processes. I've thought of my inhibitions as being the actions, emotions or thoughts that I suppress rather than the the processing going on in my head that prevents me from their expression.
This is what I love about a good dictionary, it can prompt a different way of thinking, not to mention checking so I'm saying what I think I'm saying. All this to say, the universe seems to think it's time to work through a couple of these mental processes so I can be a bit more uninhibited. A little more free which sounds pretty good.
Bonus phrase! I is for It Is what It Is at the Radiant Recovery Community Forum. Read it here