Continuing the theme of the resistance and sabotage sisters...D is for Dialogue.
I took the conversation to a support group I'm part of at Radiant Recovery (the self-discovery / healing path where I've done much of my personal development over the past many years). One suggestion I received was to have a Dialogue with the sisters and see what comes up. Sounded like an interesting approach so I gave it a go.
Since Sister Resistance is the instigator I started with her. I wrote a conversation. First I asked why she wanted to veg out with netflix. She said she was tired and wanted to be asleep. Tired of what? Of being awake.
We kind of went in circles for a bit...
We covered old ground mostly but one interesting thing did happen. While she was speaking, a thought darted out so quickly I only glimpsed it before it ducked behind a corner. I felt a physical jolt. So I know a truth is there, a reason the sisters are here with me for now.
The even better interesting thing is that conscious me is here, too. Where before, a cadre of voices was always at the ready to berate, belittle and judge me for my very existence I now have this voice of my conscious self that is kind and encouraging who nudges me forward to where I am more and more my potential, possible self.
I think I will continue to write a dialogue with the sisters and see if that true thought will come out in the light.
Bonus word at the Radiant Recovery Community Forum. D for Depression. Read it here