Friday, April 7, 2017

F is for Faith

George Michael was singing Faith when I turned on the radio a few minutes ago. I know a sign when I hear one so F is for Faith. I'm sitting here asking myself, "what do I have faith in?" The second sentence (yes I'm counting) implies I have faith in signs. Do I? Can I believe in signs but not have faith in them? There are things I thought at one time I had faith in and there are things I want desperately to have faith in. 

I could also rephrase it by changing "I have" to "put my" in those sentences. "What do I put my faith in?" Same meaning? or different? Does it matter?

What I do know is if I am going to be able to embrace life, faith will be a necessary part of it.

Bonus word! F is for Frame at the Radiant Recovery Community Forum. Read it here