Saturday, April 22, 2017

Q is for Questioning

I haven't kept up with writing every day. This is the second time I'm playing catch-up. So what are my excuses? First time busy with work and this time feeling crappy and sick. Are they good enough excuses? I think it just is what it is and I pick up and carry on.

Which brings me to questioning. I question myself often. How did I end up here? (irrelevant, I'm here) Where am I headed? (I'll know when I get there) Why can't I follow through on plans? Why is it so hard to even make a plan? (if you want to hear god laugh, make a plan)

I'm not sure questioning is a good use of my mind. I think noticing is more useful. See what comes up and go from there.

Bonus Word: R is for Ranch at the Radiant Recovery Community Forum.